Brannon Howse: September 18, 2017

Understanding the Insults of Jesus (Part Two) What did Jesus mean when in Matthew 23:24 He told the Jewish religious leaders of His day that they were blind guides that strain at a gnat but swallow a camel? You might find it interesting to know that many Jews in that day did indeed strain their liquids to make sure they were not consuming a gnat or fly or flea. But why and how does this help us understand the condemnation of these Jewish Pharisees by Jesus? Topic: In Matthew 23:33 Jesus calls the Pharisees snakes and a brood of vipers. What was Jesus really conveying in this condemnation? Topic: In Luke 7:32 Jesus compared the Pharisees to children but he was not doing so a compliment. Topic: John Guandolo checks in with us to share about what happen to him at his event in the Midwest. Topic: We take your calls.

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