Brannon Howse: September 2, 2015

Brannon explains that he recently discovered a fourth reason he is so uncomfortable with all the prayer rallies that are for the purpose of revival. Once you hear the reason you will likely agree. The emphasis of the organizers of such rallies has almost without exception not been to pray for the will of God to be done but to declare that the rallies themselves could cause God to respond in a certain manner. Such thinking is pagan to the core and is really part of white magic because it ultimately says that God is an agent of man and when man does something God is obliged to respond in the way man desires. How is such thinking any different than that of the New Agers that teach god is a force or energy field that they use to their advantage? If you doubt this type of theology is behind these prayer rallies then listen to what the National Day of Prayer website declares as to the reason for prayer. Topic: Hear the audio of Glenn Beck describing how David Barton told him that the Third Great Awakening has begun. David Barton could not be more wrong! You cannot have a Biblical revival or Biblical, spiritual awakening when people like Barton and Beck are proclaiming false theology and uniting in unbiblical, spiritual enterprises that God's Word declares will bring the opposite of God's blessing as described in 2 Corinthians 6:14-17. Topic: Our phone lines light up with callers wanting to respond.

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