Brannon Howse: September 21, 2016

Topic: Several evangelicals are stating that Christians must support the building of Mosques in America or we are undermining freedom of religion as well as inviting government control of religion. Why is this not only a straw man argument but actually 100% false? The government has a God ordained role to make for a stable and just society and to punish evil doers. Just because someone has a set of religious beliefs does not mean they can do whatever they want. For example, polygamy is not legally justifiable because one claims it is a doctrine of their religious worldview. Neither can a child be married to an adult under religious justification. Muslims do not have a right to build Mosques if they are going to be centers for terrorist training, indoctrination that encourages terrorism and promotes Sharia over American law which inevitably encouraging the overthrow of the American government. Topic: Learn how the Muslim Mufti of Israel is credited for being the force behind encouraging Adolf Hitler to implement the Final Solution and the murder of 6 million Jews. Topic: How did France, America, and Great Britain drop the ball when it came to Amin al-Husseini that we are perhaps paying the price for today? Topic: We take your calls. 

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