Brannon Howse: September 25, 2015

Pope Francis opened up the Sustainable Development conference at the United Nations on September 25, 2015. Francis continued his promotion of globalist propaganda just as he did in his June of 2015 encyclical. Yet, are you aware of the radical New Age, population control “scientist” behind Pope Francis that is responsible for his June of 2015 encyclical? Schellnhuber also proposes an Earth Constitution and a Global Council and a Planetary Court to enforce the Earth Constitution and apparently to punish those who harm mother earth. Can you say global religious Reich? Remember the mother/son cult eventually synthesized with a stream of so-called Christianity that produced the Church of Rome. Thus should we be all that shocked that the Church of Rome has a history of promoting occultism, mysticism, the New Age Movement, now earth worship through the pronouncements of Pope Francis and his Gia promoting scientist friend Hans Schellnhuber? 
Brannon discusses these issues and then turns to interview Dr. Jimmy DeYoung on these topics: Netanyahu and Putin meeting in Moscow to focus on military build-up in Syria. Topic: Iran promise to violate Nuke deal, give funding to terrorist organizations and fight Islamic State. Topic: "Death to the Saudi Dynasty" - the Iranians chant as anger rises over hajj stampede Topic: Yom Kippur, the Feast of Tabernacles and violence on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Topic: We take your calls.

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