Brannon Howse: September 25, 2019

Two of the nation’s largest religious groups are openly promoting socialism and communism. (Part Three) In today’s program Brannon continues to read from the Jesuit Review and their July 2019 article entitled “The Catholic Case for Communism.” This article is seeking to repackage communism and portray those embracing it as doing so for the common good and the creation of a classless society.  Topic: The article calls for the elimination of private property rights so that anyone that owns rental property cannot make a profit from rent. Brannon explains how this theft of property and income would create a massive housing crisis and slums from one end of the country to the other. In addition, the blocks and blocks of slum housing that has disappeared in major American cities has been largely due to private property and capitalist putting their capital at risk. Topic: The article claims that capitalism has exploited the poor when reality is capitalism has made the poor wealth whereas communism has made the wealthy poor. Topic: The article claims capitalism has propagated a culture of death but never says how. Whereas communism has killed at least 500 million in the 20th century when you add in abortion and euthanasia. Topic: We take your calls.

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