Brannon Howse: September 28, 2017

Topic: Why would any pastor say that it is not their job to teach Biblical application? Such is the statement of one pastor that Brannon actually has in print. Brannon shares how some pastors boast that they teach interpretation but not application. Brannon reveals why this is unbiblical and dangerous. Brannon takes you to numerous passages of Scripture that reveal the need to apply the Word of God to our lives. One pastor writes that he leaves application up to the Holy Spirit. Both interpretation or illumination and application involve the Holy Spirit so by his way of thinking why not just leave both up to the Holy Spirit? If you do not need a Bible teacher for application then why would you need one for interpretation? See the fallacy of the argument being made by a pastor that boasts of not teaching application? Topic: Brannon starts off the program by playing an audio clip of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as he testifies to Congress that North Korea could be a few weeks or a few months from reaching the U.S. mainland with a ICBM. Topic: We take your calls.

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