Brannon Howse: September 4, 2015

Today Brannon shares new information on the White Magic of Evangelicalism by looking at White Magic in Acts 8 in which Simon the Sorcery actually claimed to be god. Brannon reads the text and then reads from earlier church fathers that document that Simon was known for claiming to be god. Brannon explains how this is White Magic. Today many within the Word of Faith are just like Simon. They claim to be little gods, they claim to be able to do the very works of Jesus and they are involved in shamanism, predicting the future, getting words of knowledge. All of this is a form of sorcery or magic. Simon went on to claim to have become a Christian and was even baptized. Yet, he was not saved and only wanted to use the Holy Spirt for financial gain. Many within the Word of Faith and evangelicalism attribute to the Holy Spirit the work of Satan. They use the name of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and Bible verses twisted out of context for their own gain. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these issues. Topic: Middle East leaders meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and receive promise of help with nuclear energy. Topic: Russian jet fighter planes fill the skies of Syria with Russian boots on the ground. Topic: Moslem clerics incite against Jewish Holy days and their connection to the Temple Mount. Topic: Iran says they will continue to build up their military until they destroy Israel and the Palestinians are freed.

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