Crosstalk: April 10, 2018

In previous days, VCY America had promoted that former FBI agent and anti-terrorist/security expert John Guandolo from Understanding the Threat was going to be featured in-studio today. He was to speak at a conference this evening with Brannon's Worldview Weekend. The title for his speech was, 'America is Losing the War and Doesn't Even Know It'. This involved discussion of the global Islamic movement, what they seek to accomplish, their network within the U.S., and more.

Ironically, some of the venues that he and other speakers would have been appearing at canceled the speaking engagements.

Joining Jim to present the timing and details surrounding these cancellations was Brannon Howse. Brannon is the president of Worldview Weekend. He's also an author of multiple books and a speaker on Worldview Weekend radio & TV programs.

Brannon began by taking listeners back to April of 2017 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. A Muslim man from Saudi Arabia brought and filmed a Qur'an and panned the crowd while on Facebook. One of the off-duty police officers that was hired noticed him and warned him that filming was not allowed. The man admitted he was armed and was told to leave. The man then went to his car and brandished 5 weapons including 2 semi-automatic rifles while also claiming on Facebook that he had about 1,200 rounds of ammunition. The incident made national news, yet it took 12 days to get him charged. In the end he served 7 months at the federal level.
Brannon believes this incident emboldened others. So when it was promoted that Brannon and his speakers were coming back to the Midwest to cover their last five cities, they managed to shut these conferences down.

It was at the Holiday Inn and Convention Center in Des Moines, Iowa, where things began to unravel. Brannon received a phone call and e-mail from the Radisson Convention Center in Green Bay, WI., stating that they were canceling the conference for Saturday evening. The reason stated by the convention center representative had nothing to do security. Instead, the cancellation was based upon complaints from the community and that the convention center owners ' not want to host a group like you.'

So the Thursday Iowa convention went on as planned. Then Friday morning at breakfast, a call was received from the hotel in Pewaukee, WI. (a suburb of Milwaukee). They indicated that they had received so many calls from people angry that Worldview Weekend was being allowed to use the facility that the owners felt they must cancel.

Also on Friday, while on the road for the engagement in Onalaska, WI., the convention center there asked for the certificate of liability. They were asking for this because they claimed they received 57 phone calls in a 90 minute to 2 hour period.
So where were the calls coming from? Brannon cited the Council on American/Islamic Relations (a front-group for the Muslim Brotherhood), the Southern Poverty Law Center, along with Antifa groups.

Why would those whose roots are steeped in Marxism/Communism join a Muslim group in an attempt to shut down conferences warning of the global Islamic movement? Brannon explains the connection on this important edition of Crosstalk.

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