Crosstalk: April 21, 2016

Islam is continuing to advance, not just through Europe but through the U.S. as well. 48 hours ago, the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations held their 2nd annual Muslim advocacy day in Washington, D.C. Part of their goal was to meet with legislators and express their interests which includes the passing of a resolution that would condemn so-called Islamophobia. This and related issues were addressed by Shahram Hadian. Shahram was born in Iran into a Muslim family. His father was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army, his mother an elementary school teacher. His parents had a sense of urgency to leave Iran in 1978 and moved to the United States. While in the states, Shahram committed his life to Jesus Christ. This brought immediate disapproval from his family and his culture. Shahram, now a former Muslim, has begun the TIL Project. The Truth in Love Project exposes the true goal of Islam and the threat of Shariah in America. He also exposes the lie of Chrislam, the false claim that Christianity and Islam have a common god and a common word. He ran for office of Governor in Washington State in 2012. He has served as a police officer and a pastor. According to Shahram, the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations is yet another front group for the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, the USCMO is the Muslims Brotherhood's political wing. This proves what some have been saying; that Islam is not just a religious system, it's also a political ideology that is meant to establish its law (Shariah). The USCMO promotes what they call a '...legislative agenda in support of equality and social justice.' Shahram noted that there can't be equality between the tenets of the U.S. Constitution and those of Islam/Shariah. Islamic law violates all five sections of the First Amendment. There is no freedom of religion, speech, grievances, freedom of the press or the freedom to assemble in Islam. None of those apply within Islam once it obtains the upper hand. Just on the issue of free speech alone we can see the paradigm shift that's taking place as Islam seeks to gain the upper hand. President Obama said back in February that his administration wants to go after anti-Muslim rhetoric. After the attacks in San Bernardino, California, Loretta Lynch, the head of the Justice Department, made a similar plea. What's come out of this is that now the USCMO agenda includes a resolution to condemn violence, bigotry and hateful rhetoric toward Muslims in the United States. This has resulted in House Resolution 569 which was introduced on December 17th, 2015. It denounces what it calls, 'hate speech' and calls for the House to reaffirm the right of Muslims to practice their freedom of faith. Anti-defamation laws have been passed in Europe to protect Muslims but What people need to understand is that in America, any kind of rhetoric is protected speech under the First Amendment. This is an example showing how Islam is attempting to force compliance upon dissenters just like the LGBT community is doing with their agenda. So if Islam establishes its agenda by criminalizing rhetoric, at that point free speech disappears. Christians will not only be sued and fined on a civil level but charged criminally as well. This means that under this resolution, this Crosstalk broadcast would be deemed a criminal act in spite of the fact that it would be delivering factual information about Islam. There's much more to be learned from Jim and Shahram when you review this important Crosstalk broadcast.

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