Crosstalk: April 22, 2020

We are living in both amazing and challenging times.  The vast majority of us never dreamed we would see events unfolding before us as they are today.  

Have we Americans falsely believed that our security and economy was invincible? Today’s Crosstalk guest thinks so. Sam Rohrer represents an organization that is looking at our nation’s current situation from both a biblical and constitutional perspective.  In these unprecedented times, Sam is seeing in “slow motion” another form – of  9/11.  He likens today’s trials to the terror attacks of 2001; except that this time, we are being affected in a “far deeper, far broader, in slow motion (way) which promises to be with us for months, if not a couple of years, if we believe what is being said.” This Crosstalk is A Wake-up Alarm!

Sam will talk about virtual church gatherings,  the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (post 9/11) and will share his concerns for our US Constitution (the threat upon it). He will also detail for us his list of 10 things that Christians need to understand and live during such a time as this. DO NOT MISS THESE!!

Sam Rohrer is the President of the American Pastors Network and the Pennsylvania Pastors Network.  He is a former member of Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives and is the speaker on “Stand in the Gap” radio & TV broadcasts, as heard on VCY America


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