Crosstalk: April 27, 2018

​​A very tragic story is unfolding again in the UK where the government is forcing a death sentence upon a 23 month old toddler.  We say 'again' because it is also in the UK where Charlie Gard was denied care in 2017. Our guest today says this boy is in a medical jail cell with police posted outside his room, parents threatened with arrest if they would attempt to remove their son and take him to another hospital which has offered to treat him.  The court has ordered his death.  Joining Jim to talk about this is Brad Mattes. Brad is the President and CEO of Life Issues Institute headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. Their mission is that of assuring through education, equal protection under the law for all living humans from the beginning of their biological life at fertilization until natural death. 

Jim introduces us to 23 month old, Alfie Evans and asks Brad Mattes to give the horrifying story; a continuing story that Mattes says has been 'changing from hour to hour.' It involves one of England's largest children's hospitals (Alder Hey), who Mattes explains has been working to remove the ventilator from this 23 month old boy who suffers from an un-diagnosed neurological disorder. Mattes says the child is 'not terminal' and is 'semi aware of his surroundings.' He goes on to say that when Alfie is aware, his eyes are 'fixed on his parents - his pupils react(ing) to the environment and clearly is not in a coma.' Mattes says that last Friday (April 20th) the hospital scheduled what they intended to be his 'execution' but, when the vent was pulled from him, Mattes says 'the child Alfie Evans continued to breathe and is continuing to breathe since the ventilator has been removed, much to the consternation (dismay) of the hospital.' Mattes emphatically says 'it is beyond the pale of what they are doing to try to kill this child.' The discussion moves toward what the parents are doing to save their son and how several other entities (including other hospitals) are offering Alfie treatment. 

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