Crosstalk: August 1, 2016

Jim began this edition of Crosstalk with disturbing news that the Navy is planning to name a ship after the late homosexual activist and San Francisco politician Harvey Milk.



Jim then moved into an overview of the GOP convention. Some of the points he highlighted included:



--Donald Trump's address was the longest acceptance speech in four decades.

--Trump discussed out of control/illegal immigration, destructive trade deals, calamitous foreign policy, an imploding economy, historic unemployment, skyrocketing violent crime, the escalating terrorist threat and rampant

political corruption.

--Trump promised to put America first. Americanism, not globalism.

--Trump denounced political correctness yet announced his solidarity with, as he put it, '...our LGBTQ community.'

--Indiana Governor Mike Pence was chosen as Trump's running mate.

--Senator Ted Cruz failed to endorse Trump in his convention speech, instead telling Americans that they should vote their conscience.

--The head of America's largest abortion company blasted Trump by indicating that his pro-life worldview and desire to see Roe v. Wade overturned is disturbing.

--The RNC platform was called by one as being, 'the most conservative platform in modern history.'

--Trump said that the federal minimum wage should rise to $10.




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