Crosstalk: August 10, 2015

Jim Schneider brought listeners up to date on numerous news items not making headlines in the mainstream press. Stories included: --The first Republican debates took place last evening. --Vice President Joe Biden considering whether or not he should run. --Lieutenant Commander Tim White will not face charges for discharging his sidearm during recent Chattanooga attack. --Muslims from the Islamic Society of Augusta consider an armed man standing in front of an Augusta military recruitment center a threat so they reported him to the FBI. They tried to get him into a mosque to reeducate him. --Iran has published a book on how to outwit the U.S. and destroy Israel. --Secretary of State John Kerry warns Congress not to reject the Iran nuclear deal. --Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the American Jewish community and in a webcast made the case for why the nuclear accord between Iran and world powers is a deal that endangers Israel's existence as a sovereign state. --The Times of Israel reports that if the U.S. Congress shoots down the Iranian nuclear deal, America will eventually be pressured into a military strike against Tehran's nuclear facilities which will increase terror against Israel. --Angry family members of U.S. citizens who have been victims of Iranian sponsored terrorism and violence said they will do all that is humanly possible to block the part of the nuclear deal that lifts economic sanctions on the Iranian government. --2 top Jewish Democrats announce they will oppose the Iran nuclear deal. --House Republicans introduce legislation opposing the Iranian nuclear deal. --Satellite images show Iran scrubbing nuclear sites to remove signs of nuclear activity. --ISIS plans to start Armageddon-type war in India. --FBI investigating reports of Middle Eastern men who are watching military families here in the U.S. --Leader praises two gunmen who tried to mount an attack in Garland, Texas, for their sacrifice and heroism and then urged U.S.-based jihadis to emulate their attack. --State Department documents that the most common spoken language among refugees in America today is Arabic. --A senior United States official says ISIS is circulating a sex slave price list for captured women and children. --Most recent hack on the Pentagon said to come from Russia. --Russian government signs nuclear cooperation agreements with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan. --Russia's foreign ministry confirms that it has submitted a bid for large Arctic territories that could contain large quantities of oil and gas. --County clerk in Kentucky sues governor for targeting her and other religious clerks for unconstitutional discrimination. --Liberty Institute files suit against Fox News for firing sports analyst because of his religious beliefs regarding marriage and civil unions that he expressed during a political campaign. --Senator Mike Lee asks Internal Revenue Commissioner if he would pledge not to remove tax exempt status from Christian colleges without the authorization of Congress or the courts. --Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the city council are now set to approve the addition of sex change surgery to city employees health care coverage. --Apple throws their weight behind the 2015 Equality Act. --A pastor at a church in Vermont sentenced to one year in federal prison for refusing to marry homosexuals. --Pro-homosexual marriage group that sued to redefine marriage in Utah is preparing to establish a Boy Scout troop open to gay leaders. --The FBI announced that its agents will take possession of Hillary Clinton's private Internet server to investigate allegations that she intentionally used it to conduct classified government business while serving as Secretary of State. --New Windows operating system spies on e-mails, images, credit cards, and more. --The level of healthcare services provided for illegal aliens is about to get a big boost from the Obama administration. --Huntington Park, California, becomes the first city in the state to appoint 2 undocumented immigrants as commissioners on city advisory boards. --U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services says it will no long require incoming U.S. citizens to pledge that they will bear arms on behalf of the U.S. or perform non-combatant service in the armed forces as part of the naturalization process. --A Texas congressman has introduced legislation that would halt the resettlement of United Nations certified refugees in the U.S. pending a full study on the program's impact on the nation's economy and national security. --Analysis shows that foreign aliens committed 611,234 unique crimes in Texas from 2008 to 2014. --An illegal immigrant suspected of murdering one woman and wounding another and attempting to rape a 14 year old girl was released in early July. --A Judge rules that illegal alien minors and their mothers who are caught crossing the border illegally and in detention centers should get prompt release. --A Pensacola, Florida, murder allegedly linked to witchcraft. --Alliance Defending Freedom files Friend of the Court brief in Tennessee on behalf of six pro-life organizations that oppose the legalization of doctor prescribed death. --7th graders in Rhode Island will be required to have the Gardasil HPV vaccine as a requirement for attending school. --Alabama now the 3rd state to defund Planned Parenthood. --Florida investigators have cited 4 Planned Parenthood clinics for violations including one that's kept improper logs for disposal of fetal remains. --Nepal considering rendering Christianity as illegal. The Crosstalk Radio Talk Show is heard each weekday on over 90 radio outlets across America and worldwide on the Internet. Crosstalk covers the issues that affect our world, our nation, our families and the Christian church from a perspective centered in the Word of God. Whether we discuss the economy, the political scene, the continuing moral collapse of our nation, legislation that affects the family, or the state of evangelicalism, our authority is found in the unchanging standard of the Holy Scriptures. Veteran co-hosts Dr. Vic Eliason and Jim Schneider have worked as a team for over 20 years to bring solid information to the body of Christ.

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