Crosstalk: August 17, 2018

Brad Mattes is the president and CEO of Life Issues Institute headquartered in Cincinnati.  Their mission is that of assuring through education, equal protection under the law for all living humans from the beginning of their biological life at fertilization until natural death.

The FDA plans to use the thymus and livers from aborted children (approximately 20-24 weeks gestation and cannot be from miscarriages) to make humanized mice. Brad communicated that he has no problem with humanizing mice by giving them a human-like immune system. What he opposes is the way they're going about it as there are other ethical ways they can accomplish this.

The FDA signed a year-long contract on July 25th with Advanced Bioscience Resources. The FDA believes they are the only U.S. company capable of supplying tissue suitable for this effort. Interestingly, they're the same organization under federal investigation for colluding with Planned Parenthood. This involves alleged harvesting then selling for profit.
As the program progressed, Jim and Brad discussed the intense battle over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the response regarding Kavanaugh from NARAL Pro-Choice America; the Protect Life Rule, and Crosstalk listeners presented their input as well.


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