Crosstalk: August 2, 2016

Peter LaBarbera is the founder and president of Americans for Truth.

Last Friday news came forth that the U.S. Navy is planning on naming a ship after LGBT activist Harvey Milk.

Who was Harvey Milk? According to a source cited by Peter, as a 33 year old man, Milk appears to have been involved in a sexual relationship with an under age boy. Peter noted that while not the first open homosexual to be elected to public office, he was the first to mobilize the so-called, gay constituency. This makes Milk the first gay power politician elected as a city supervisor in San Francisco.

Milk was killed when someone went after the mayor and Milk was also in the government building. Due to his death, Milk has received near martyr status among homosexual activists. This led to a Harvey Milk Day in California, students are being taught about him as he's treated as a civil rights hero and now we have a U.S. Navy ship about to be named after him.

Peter went on to explain that Milk himself was in the Navy. At that time he tried to seduce sailors into sodomy in his San Diego apartment. So if the Navy names a ship after him, Peter feels they'll be naming it after a sexual predator.

During the recent Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia there was a global LGBT summit that took place. Jim noted that the Daily Signal reported that more than 25 prominent leaders of the national LGBT movement gathered for this 4 day event called, The Equality Forum.

The forum sought to establish four goals and Peter commented on them:

--Pass the Equality Act. This act would say that rights based upon homosexuality and gender confusion would take precedent over religious freedom. Peter indicated that the way it's written right now, it explicitly negates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as applied to homosexuality.

--Defeat state and local laws. The biggest threat that LGBT leaders claim to face is what they call anti-LGBT legislation proposed by conservatives in state and local government.

--Going to court. The summit panelists said they have their eyes set on a number of court cases that they believe could impact the future of the agenda of their movement.

--Partnering with Black Lives Matter and others. Peter noted that the Black Lives Matter movement is very pro-homosexual in their platform. This is important as he described the homosexual movement as being basically a leftist movement.

Interestingly, PayPal founder Peter Thiel, who's described as proudly gay, spoke at the Republican National Convention. According to Peter LaBarbera, Thiel mocked the culture war and mocked those who are fighting transgender rights.

When you review this Crosstalk broadcast, there will be much more to hear on this issue, including comments from listeners.

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