Crosstalk: August 26, 2019

Here’s a brief look at some of the stories that Jim brought to listener attention this week:

–The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is joining a coalition of Muslim organizations in hosting voter registration drives at more than 50 locations nationwide in honor of what’s called National Muslim Voter Registration Day.

–The Islamic Education Center of Houston has launched a chartered Cub Scout troop that is officially under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America.

–The U.S. military conducted the first test of a ground-launched cruise missile since the U.S. withdrew from the 1987 Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia this month.

–A newly elected member of the St. Louis County Council chose to be sworn in with a Dr. Seuss book rather than a Bible.

–Christian leaders are hailing the Trump administration’s decision to remove Bible’s and other religious books from the list of Chinese goods facing a ten percent hike in tariffs.

–After exposing 2 convicted sex offenders earlier this year, Texas Mass Resistance kept digging and soon found the criminal history of another Austin-based ‘drag queen’ called, ‘Miss Kitty Litter.’

–A printing company owner’s free speech rights vs. LGBT rights back in the courts.

–The Trump administration has proposed a rule that will protect faith-based organizations that contract with the federal government by allowing them to make employment decisions consistent with their sincerely held religious beliefs.

–A public art event in Grand Rapids, Michigan, next month will feature men and women with Down Syndrome performing as ‘drag queens’ and ‘drag kings.’

–Advocates for marriage and family in Budapest, Hungary, netted an apparent partial victory this week after pushing back against controversial pro-LGBT advertisements placed in public locations throughout the city by multi-national corporation Coca-Cola. 

–A girl attempts to sue to join a 500 year old boys choir in Germany and loses the case.

–A federal judge has ruled that a university strategy to give funds generated by mandatory student fees to groups the messages its officials favored, is unconstitutional and has to change.

–The Superior, Wisconsin, city council has passed a ban on so-called conversion therapy.

–In Canada, the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms has written to the Alberta Human Rights Commission on behalf of an Alberta resident who is facing a formal complaint under the Alberta Human Rights Act for having asked about the age and gender of a potential baby sitter for his children.

–An Obama appointed federal judge is forcing Wisconsin taxpayers to provide costly sex reassignment surgery and hormonal procedures for low income transgender residents who get free medical care from the government.

–Iceland officials voted to expand abortion rights yet they held a funeral for a melting glacier.

–Australian police charge two men with making violent threats against the new South Wales lawmakers who oppose a radical pro-abortion bill.

–In a recent pro-abortion screed, a spokesman for the U.N. human rights apparatus said the global body was very concerned about state laws proliferating across the United States that regulate or restrict the killing of pre-born babies.

–Democrat candidate Julian Castro would provide more protection for dogs and cats than he would for unborn babies if elected president.

–The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) wants the federal court to permanently block a new Ohio law that protects unborn babies from abortion.

–The Ohio Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal of a late term abortion facility in Dayton.


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