Crosstalk: August 3, 2017

One of President Trump's campaign promises was well known - to build a wall. Today's guest on Crosstalk commends President Trump for what is being done and grades him a "B" on immigration.

Mark Krikorian is the Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies. The center is an independent, non-partisan research organization in Washington DC that examines and critiques the impact of immigration on the United States (be it legal or illegal). Krikorian says America's border control laws are now back to being enforced whereas, under the Obama administration, our efforts had "handcuffs on them." Krikorian says that President Trump "on day one, took these handcuffs off" and America is back to our "normal immigration policies." 

Krikorian discusses "sanctuary cities"  (those actively harboring illegal aliens) stating that "none of them (illegal aliens) should be here" and that these cities have "too much say" and it's all going way too far. Another big argument is raised that some of these illegals actually participated in the 2016 general US election. More key points are also made regarding Raise Act legislation - a bill which would streamline our LEGAL immigration system which according to Krikorian would be a "big improvement" if passed. Crosstalk also takes your calls.

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