Crosstalk: August 4, 2016

Jim opened this edition of Crosstalk with information from that President Obama is cutting short the sentences of 214 federal inmates. That includes 67 that are serving life sentences. Almost all of the prisoners were serving time for 'nonviolent drug offenses'.

This latest group brings President Obama's total to 562 who have had sentences shortened. The White House says this is more than the past 9 presidents combined.

The remainder of this Crosstalk featured news stories highlighting the disdain for life that continues to exist in America and the world; a disdain that covers a wide gamut from the pre-born to those of various ages suffering physical hardship to those near the end of life.

Below are some of the life-related headlines that Jim looked at:

--A woman in Philadelphia was put into a hospital with no physical basis and while there, was purposefully deprived of nutrition. She showed alertness and was even presented as a candidate for rehabilitation before her admission to hospice. According to her boyfriend, the first day she was in hospice, a nurse told him that she asked for him and she was thanking the nurses for things they were doing for her. Even though a doctor said she needed more time and called off a scheduled visit from a hospice representative, she was still put into hospice.

--Since November 2014, legislators in more than 25 states have introduced bills that would legalize physician assisted suicide, a five-fold increase from 2013.

--In the Netherlands, the number of euthanasia deaths has increased significantly. The under-reported euthanasia deaths in the Netherlands increased 23%. Since 2010, people with psychiatric conditions and/or dementia are now dying by lethal injection.

--There is proof that there is under-reporting of assisted suicide in Washington State.

--A baby was born alive after an abortion at 26 weeks. The clinic left her on the table struggling to breathe.

--Abortion is now the official state preferred choice for Illinois women when it comes to unexpected pregnancies.

--Terry O'Neill, president of the National Organization for Women, admits that she doesn't care even if life does begin at conception, she still supports abortion.

--Dayton, Ohio, Right to Life filed complaints with the state medical board regarding a possible forced abortion that occurred at a Dayton abortion facility in June of last year.


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