Crosstalk: August 5, 2016

Local policing has come under criticism by the Obama administration and it's come with an agenda. The president has pushed for federal oversight of police officers. The United Nations has also stepped in and is urging the Justice Department's Office of Civil Rights to federalize every police department in the nation.

The Conservative Review has reported that the Obama administration has been using the controversial practice of 'sue and settle' to engage in a federal takeover of local police and corrections departments. The Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice files suits against cities, counties or states alleging constitutional and civil rights violations by the police or at the prison. The local government simply agrees resulting in wide-reaching policy changes being imposed on local police and corrections departments via the federal court order.

Joining Jim to discuss this issue was Robert Romano. Robert is the senior editor with Americans for limited Government.

According to Robert, if local police were federalized, you'd have federal regulations telling the local jurisdictions what they have to do as far as rules for searches, stops, use of force, etc. The imposition of that would go against the tenets of federalism. In this case, local cities are entering into consent decrees in federal court proceedings with the Department of Justice/Civil Rights Division to alter the way police policies work.

One of Robert's concerns is the possibility of tying federal funds for local police to implementing new policies and procedures the way they've already done in places such as Newark or Miami.

Jim followed that up by noting a report from last month that indicated that the federal government has sued more than 30 police jurisdictions to adopt their federal rules in a sort of slow-motion creation of a national police system.

The U.N.'s part in this is also interesting. According to one of their reports, the U.S. was founded on land stolen from its indigenous native Americans, that it received its early economic strength due to race-based slavery and they've also made comments on successive waves of immigration and how immigrants have faced discrimination and harassment.

Does the president's early prisoner release efforts play into this in some way? Where does Congress stand on this? What sources is the U.N. using to come to their conclusions on city policing? Find the answers to these and other questions when you review this vital Crosstalk broadcast.

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