Crosstalk: December 15, 2015

This Crosstalk began with news that Bowe Bergdahl, the high profile individual exchanged for 5 Taliban detainees, will now be charged with trial by court martial. This is a blow to his defense team and to the Obama administration who arranged for his release from captors in exchange for the previously mentioned detainees. The main topic of this broadcast dealt with a new rule that's been proposed by the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS wants to have non-profit, 501c3 religious and charitable organizations collect the Social Security numbers of donors who give $250 or more in one year. They claim the proposed change would be optional but skeptics are wondering if it will become the only option. The IRS is defending itself by claiming that some taxpayers who were being audited say they lost their donation records and that if charities also had a record of this information it would help them verify deductions. Jim included the views of Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, the Minnesota Family Council, the Citizens Council for Health Freedom along with an audio cut from U.S. Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas, who has introduced a bill to block the proposed legislation.

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