Crosstalk: December 22, 2017

​​These are some of the items making news as we head toward the Christmas holiday:

--The U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly condemned President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital in an emergency meeting.
--U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley gives strong message at the U.N. supporting the position of President Trump.
--More than 100 large banners that read 'God bless Trump' are on display throughout Jerusalem.
--President Trump is moved by plan of an Israeli town to name a park after him.
--Audio of President Trump at White House cabinet meeting asking Ben Carson to pray.
--The House of Representatives gave their final approval to the tax reform bill.
--The nation's new tax system to go into effect in 12 days.
--Some major corporations raise wages and announce year-end employee bonuses due to GOP tax bill.
--Mitch McConnell believes the new tax bill provides middle class tax relief and business changes that will make America more competitive.
--American's for Limited Government praised the efforts by Congress and the Trump administration to repeal the individual mandate under the health care law.
--Representative Steve Scalise scolded former Obama National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes for a 'Tweet' hoping for the upcoming 'obits' of several prominent Republicans.
--President Trump presented the administration's 'America First' national security strategy.
--The U.S. economy grew at its fastest pace in more than 2 years in the 3rd quarter.
--The black unemployment rate under President Trump is the lowest it's been in 17 years.
--Confidence among home builders jumped in December hitting its highest level since July.
--President Trump's EPA took the first steps toward proposing its own version of climate change regulations.
--The Pentagon has said it will follow federal court orders requiring the start of recruiting next month for transgenders.
--The Trump administration issued a call for an end to 'chain migration'.
--In his 1995 State of the Union speech, then President Clinton spoke of the need to stop illegal immigration.
--A new legal complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission alleges that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee used state chapters as strawmen to circumvent campaign donation limits and then laundered the money back to her campaign.
--The Obama administration accused of sabotaging an operation to stop Hezbollah smuggling drugs into the U.S. so the nuclear deal with Iran could proceed.

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