Crosstalk: December 23, 2015

This program highlights yet another attempt by the federal government to become a larger part of our everyday life. This latest effort is specifically coming from Housing and Urban Development and it's called the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule. Joining Jim to discuss this issue was Tom DeWeese. Tom is the president of the American Policy Center. Tom is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence and protecting our constitutionally guaranteed rights. According to Tom, this rule is social engineering. It will look at every neighborhood in America and determine the income levels, ethnic backgrounds, race and in some cases, even religions of those living in certain areas. If neighborhoods don't have the proper breakdowns in these categories according to government guidelines, they are in violation of being fair and federal housing could be brought in. HUD is now saying that if one of their grants has been taken, communities have to accept this new rule and they will tell local officials how things will be organized. So Tom is concerned not only about property values and what this means for private property ownership but he's also concerned about the 'top-down' control of this rule and what this means in terms of what your local, elected officials can or cannot do.

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