Crosstalk: February 1, 2017

Rich Christiano is a film writer, director and producer. In 2002 he, along with his brother Dave, formed Five & Two Pictures. Rich has been involved with multiple films. He's the writer, director and producer of such films as 'The Appointment', 'Time Changer', 'Unidentified', 'The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry' and 'A Matter of Faith'. He is representing and distributing the film, 'Princess Cut'.

Rich believes that other than coming to the Lord, the most important decision anyone makes is who they date and ultimately marry. This decision can bring you great joy or great heartache. He recommended using the principles in God's Word so that we make the right choice.

He finds it sad that Hollywood portrays marriage and dating as being based upon physical attraction only and having nothing to do with spirituality and what people believe. This is why over half of all marriages end in divorce and why we have so many problems in our society, especially when it comes to families and relationships.

'Princess Cut' was made by a filmmaker friend of Rich's named Paul Munger. Paul wanted to make a movie that put purity before dating and where someone would use the guidance of their family to make sure they would marry the right person.

The movie centers around a girl in her early 20's who desperately wants to get married. It appears that she's going to make a wrong choice by picking a guy who Rich described as 'Satan's counterfeit'. Her father, however, has a check in his spirit and the young man himself isn't putting the Lord first.

Rich is helping Paul get this movie into the hands of as many young people as possible, along with their parents. The message for young people is that you need to keep the relationship special. This is accomplished by remaining pure until marriage, developing spiritual unity first. The physical aspect should take place only after marriage which acts as the joyful 'glue' or 'bond' to help 'cement' the relationship.

This broadcast features audio cuts from the movie as well as comments from Crosstalk listeners.

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