Crosstalk: February 16, 2018

As many Crosstalk listeners have seen from news accounts, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, was the scene of a tragic shooting. A gunman took weapons into a gun-free zone and killed 17 individuals. Nikolas Cruz, who reportedly made a social media comment, stated he aspired to become a professional school shooter.

Joining Jim to discuss this along with other security issues was Philip Haney. Philip is the founding member of the Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection. He's a past senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy. Philip has deep experience in threat analysis and intelligence and 40 years experience in the strategy and tactics of the global Islamic movement based on Quranic Arabic with parallel strong focus on counter terrorism. He's a current member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers and Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association. He's the lead author of 'See Something, Say Nothing' a best-selling expose of the Obama administration's submission to the goals and policies of the Muslim Brotherhood as well as other Islamic groups operating in America and around the world.

Philip began by noting what he referred to as '...the way too familiar response from federal law enforcement that somehow or another, they knew about the individual but they just couldn't seem to figure out how to track him, stop him and prevent these kinds of attacks from happening.'

For Philip, this goes all the way back to a fundamental clause or premise of the Constitution itself. It's the idea that the primary duty of the federal government is to protect the nation from invasion and outbreaks of domestic violence. What happened in Florida certainly falls into the category of the latter.

Jim pointed out how we're told that if we see something, we should say something. Then again, something was said to the FBI as they were alerted to this shooter but they claim they couldn't make a determination as to who really made certain comments. However, after the fact they seem to have no problem finding such information. So are such individuals that illusive that federal authorities don't have the tools to adequately pinpoint them? Is it a resource problem?

Philip believes it comes down to old fashioned law enforcement. If you were to receive texts on your phone or computer that threaten violence, what would you do? You would report it. If you had the authority to follow up on them, what would you do? You would find someone within the network of the person who sent those and you would talk to them. The technology we have today allows us to do this.

So what's keeping law enforcement from doing that? Are they overwhelmed? Is political correctness paralyzing them? Is it a training or motivation problem? Philip thinks it's probably some of all of these factors. When we're continuously told that if we see something to say something, and when we do nothing happens, the normal reaction of people is to stop trying.

Jim followed this up by pointing out an interesting phenomenon. When someone says something deemed to be politically correct, many are quick to jump on that individual. The media unleashes on them and investigations take place. Yet when something so blatant occurs, like the civilization jihad we see taking place where the Council on American Islamic relations has been infiltrating our political system and schools, we make every accommodation for that to continue. In the meantime, the voices of warning are ignored.

How can we be heard so as to avoid increased cynicism by the public while at the same time preventing such tragedies from occurring in the future? Philip presents his solution during this vital Crosstalk broadcast.​

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