Crosstalk: February 6, 2015

This program dealt with details concerning a document that is making its way through the halls of Washington called the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Some are calling it the largest trade deal in history accounting for 40% of the world economy yet there is much secrecy surrounding it. Joining Jim to discuss this treaty was Rick Manning. Rick is president of Americans for Limited Government. They are a non-partisan organization working to identify, expose and work with Congress and state legislatures to prevent the continued expansion of government. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a treaty that is being negotiated between the Obama administration and 12 Pacific Rim nations. It includes Canada, Mexico, Peru, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan and others. What this does is basically give most favored nation trading status to these nations. As a result, they'll have better access to our markets, lower tariffs for the goods they sell here and that will allow them to be able to increase exports to the United States.

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