Crosstalk: February 9, 2016

Islam is advancing rapidly in Europe as well as here in the United States. As a result there's been an increase in crime and religious conflict that's been escalating at alarming proportions. Government organizations as well as the media often cover these incidents up because they claim such individuals merely have a distorted view of Islam. After all, to them, Islam is a religion of peace. This shows that leaders in Europe as well as the U.S. continue to drink at the well of complacency on this topic therefore little is accomplished in terms of slowing much less halting the advance of Islam. Joining Jim to discuss this disturbing trend was Soeren Kern. Soren is a distinguished senior fellow of the Gatestone Institute, a non-partisan, not-for-profit international policy council and think tank dedicated to educating the public about the institutions of democracy and the rule of law, human rights, a free and strong economy, a military capable of ensuring peace at home and in the free world, energy independence and insuring the public stay informed of threats to our individual liberty, sovereignty and free speech. Soeren is also a senior analyst for Transatlantic Relations at the Strategic Studies Group. He specializes in European politics as well as U.S. and European defense and security related issues. He is a regular commentator about European politics and transatlantic relations. He is a dual citizen of the United States and Germany. About 10 years ago a Roman Catholic bishop in the Netherlands began calling on European Christians to begin calling God, 'Allah' as a way to build bridges with Muslims. As Soeren began doing more research, he discovered that God and Allah are two completely different entities. From there he wrote an article about it. It went viral and he began getting requests to do more research and writing about Islam. Soeren believes there's two ways to view Islam from a Christian point of view. The whole purpose of Islam is to deny the divinity of Jesus Christ yet from a geopolitical perspective it's dedicated to world conquest and placing the planet under the submission of Allah. Soeren described how after World War II an entire generation of males was wiped out. This meant there weren't enough males to run the factories. As a result, Germany, the Netherlands and France began importing migrant labor. Germany began importing their labor force from Turkey. The understanding was that eventually these individuals would return to their home nations but they stayed. So over the last 40 to 50 years, Soeren described this situation as being in 'slow motion' but in the last 10 to 15 years the pace has 'snowballed' into a large political and social problem for almost every nation in Europe. As this program moved along, it took a specific look at Islam in France, Germany and Britain, how these nations are one generation ahead of the U.S. in terms of islamization and why European secular lawmakers and leaders are letting this happen. Tomorrow, Jim and Soeren will take a look at how Islam has been affecting the United States.

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