Crosstalk: January 11, 2016

nce again Jim Schneider brought listeners up-to-date on issues affecting Christians by presenting numerous news stories. Here's a sampling of what can be heard if you review this edition of Crosstalk: --On New Years Eve, Germany allowed thousands of Islamic immigrants to enter the country. Dozens of women were assaulted, robbed and raped by men with Arab and North African features. --There's a rise in the demand for self-defense products such as pepper spray in Germany. --The arrest of 2 Iraqi born refugees on terror related charges has recharged calls for the Obama administration to pull back on plans to welcome thousands of more refugees from Middle East war zones. --Suspect in Pennsylvania police officer ambush/shooting told homicide investigators he acted in the name of Islam. --Former South Milwaukee Catholic church/school has been sold to a Muslim congregation for use as a mosque. --A Wheaton College professor under dismissal proceedings for her stand that Muslims and Christians worship the same deity. --President Obama vetoed legislation that would have repealed Obamacare. --In remarks before the House, New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith noted that Planned Parenthood dismembers or chemically poisons a baby to death every 2 minutes and have killed over 7 million children since 1973. --Planned parenthood performed 323,999 abortions and received 553.7 million dollars from U.S. taxpayers during the 2014-2015 fiscal year according to its most recent annual report. --NARAL Pro Choice America has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. --Wednesday House conservatives challenged Speaker Paul Ryan to fulfill his pledge to play offense in 2016 warning that the 'honeymoon' period of his tenure is over. --Speaker Paul Ryan is considering seeking a new authorization of military force that would formally declare war on the Islamic State. --Mississippi Congressman Steven Palazzo called for congressmen to join him in censuring President Obama. --Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore ordered state probate judges not to issue same-sex marriage licenses despite the U.S. Supreme Court's pro same- sex ruling. --Lawmakers in South Carolina have proposed a law that would withdraw recognition of same-sex marriage. --Bathrooms opened to both genders in Washington state. --Dr. Paul Church, a prominent Boston doctor and trained urologist, says that the hospital fired him because he refused to endorse the LGBT lifestyle which he believes is dangerous and unhealthy. --Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing (JONAH), which offered therapy for unwanted same-sex attractions, will close its doors later this month. The closing is the result of a lawsuit in New Jersey brought by the Southern Poverty Law Center. --Bill Clinton said that in all probability, the next president will make between 1 and 3 new appointments to the Supreme Court. --Alabama based abortion clinic closes down making Selma, Alabama, abortion free. --State of Washington pharmacists defy radical pro-abortion governor with legal appeal. --States such as Ohio and South Carolina are grappling with a discovery that Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities are contracting with medical waste companies that dump aborted babies into landfills. --A wave of complaints forced the IRS to withdraw their controversial non-profit charities donor plan. --Beginning this month, if you have a federal tax debt of $50,000 or more (including penalties and interest), the IRS can get your passport canceled. --Lawmakers crafting Obamacare did propose panels that would decide whether or not a health care procedure was worth paying for. Now changes in Medicare for 2016 include coverage for end of life counseling.

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