Crosstalk: January 19, 2017

Before getting to the main topic, Jim looked at the following news items:

--Jim requested prayer for former President H.W. Bush who was moved to intensive

care today to address acute respiratory problems stemming from pneumonia. His

wife Barbara Bush is also hospitalized as of this morning.


--President Obama commuted the prison sentence of transgender Bradley Manning (who

now goes by 'Chelsea'). He had been serving a 35 year sentence for leaking more

than 700,000 classified government and military documents to WikiLeaks along

with some battlefield video. He will be leaving prison in May.


--Others to have shortened sentences include Puerto Rican nationalist and

unrepentant terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera who's been in federal prison since

1981. Also on the list is an additional 64 people including Retired General

James Cartwright. These are permanent actions that cannot be undone by

President-elect Donald Trump.


As Jim segued into the main topic, he presented the following information concerning Friday's inauguration:


--The Council on American/Islamic Relations (CAIR), designated by the Justice

Department as a terrorist co-conspirator, is calling on Trump to drop Reverend

Franklin Graham as one of his 6 clergy who will be offering prayers at the

inauguration ceremony. CAIR referred to Graham as a 'notorious Islamophobe'.


--President-elect Trump will be sworn in on a Bible used by Abraham Lincoln.


--Vice President-elect Mike Pence will be sworn in by using the Reagan family

Bible that will be turned to the page containing 2 Chronicles 7:14.


--Thousands of bikers are planning to come to D.C. in support for President-elect



--The American Freedom Defense Initiative conducted 'man on the street' interviews

and discovered multiple people as they went to Times Square in New York. Many

of them said that President Obama should enact martial law and stop the

inauguration from taking place.


--More than 50 House Democrats have declared that they will not attend the



--Gun control advocates plan to protest policies supported by Trump during the

women's march on Washington on Saturday asserting gun violence

disproportionately affects women.


--Establishment media outlets cast a decidedly negative view of the upcoming Trump



--Georgia Congressman John Lewis claims this is the first inauguration that he's

boycotting. He actually boycotted the Bush-43 inauguration as well.


--Former Black Panther Mason Weaver 'turns the tables' on Congressman Lewis

calling him 'an illegitimate congressman'.


--New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio relied on taxpayer resources by using his

mayoral Twitter account to promote a protest march scheduled for Thursday

outside the Trump International Hotel.


--Democrat Representative Gwen Moore accuses Trump of 'vile tactics employed to

ascend to the Presidency'.


--An internet article lays out overall plan to gather in groups to rove

Washington, D.C., set up blockades at checkpoints around the parade route and

shut down D.C.'s transportation infrastructure.


--Al Sharpton's National Action Network held a rally where he led the crowd in the

chant of 'We won't be Trumped'!


--Another anti-Trump groups plans massive disruptions near the inauguration,

including a dance party outside Mike Pence's house.


--A man is injured last evening after setting himself on fire in protest outside

the Trump International Hotel in D.C.


--Islamic terrorists and drug cartels in Mexico planning attacks against U.S. and

Mexico border ports around inauguration day.


--A deadly shootout took place at the construction site of a new 155 million

dollar U.S. consulate building scheduled to be completed in September.


--Could the 'left' really be attempting a violent revolution to overthrow the U.S.

government and our way of life?


--Project Veritas has undercover video showing the rabidly anti-Trump coalition

had already scouted the National Press Building and members were confident that

they could release acid there with no negative consequences.


--A second video has now been released revealing plans to disrupts Trump's

inauguration by blockading streets and disrupting train traffic but also

engaging in 'throat punching'.


--The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) seeking to bring to an end, confirmation

hearings for individuals including Tom Price, Trumps' pick for Secretary of

Health and Human Services.


--The HRC contends that the rights of LGBTQ Americans face a serous threat under

Trump and offers ways to fight back.


--In one of his final appearances before stepping down, Secretary of State John

Kerry jokingly suggests that the Trump administration may only last a year or



--Hoax ads offer large sums of money to pay protestors who will agitate at the


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