Crosstalk: January 23, 2018

​On this 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, Jim presented a tremendous amount of information that proves just how devastating this ruling continues to be.

While God will certainly have the last word on this issue, Jim let it be known that from the beginning, God is the giver of life. For example, he read from Genesis 1:26, Psalm 127:3, 2 Samuel 11:5, Psalm 139 beginning at verse 13, Jeremiah 1:4-5 and Proverbs 6:16-17.

After this, Jim played the news account of this infamous decision as delivered by CBS television news anchor, Walter Cronkite.

As this Crosstalk progressed, Jim highlighted numerous facts and news items that are mostly ignored by the secular media. For example:

--There are more than 3,657 abortions daily and 152 abortions per hour, every hour in the U.S.
--Since 1973 there have been more than 60.1 million abortions that have taken place in America. Of that total, over 18 million have been performed on black babies.
--A Cleveland, Ohio, abortion clinic is specifically targeting black women in a new billboard campaign.
--Planned Parenthood’s recently released annual report exposes them for what they are. Their death toll in 2017 alone was 321,384 innocent babies. That doesn't include the women who died from so-called, safe, legal abortions. So why aren't they listed among the worst serial killers in history?
--The National Review Online reports that Planned Parenthood's annual report reveals that they exist to provide abortions and not much else. Prenatal services have dropped steadily every year since 2009.
--Last year, 32 Planned Parenthood clinics closed. Some of this is due to President Trump allowing states to redirect funds away from the organization in favor of those that provide reproductive health care that does not include abortion.
--More women are choosing life for their babies after seeing ultrasound images of them.
--Even with a Republican president, Congress and Senate, our tax dollars are still going to fund that which is killing innocent human life.
--While Planned Parenthood performed 321,384 abortions in 2017, there were only 3,889 adoption referrals.
--Planned Parenthood's excess revenue increased from 77.5 million in 2015 to 98.5 million this past year while also receiving 543.7 million in taxpayer dollars in 2016.

There's much more to glean from this program, including the inspiring testimony of congresswoman Jaime Herarra Beutler, who talks about the fight for her own daughter's life.

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