Crosstalk: January 29, 2015

Usama Dakdok is the founder of the Straight Way of Grace Ministry. He was born and raised in Egypt in a Christian home. While in government schools he learned about Islam just as every other student does in a Muslim country. He eventually studied for a university degree in Egypt which included the study of Sharia (Islamic law). He came to America in 1992 and with his knowledge of Islam he felt he could reach out to people in America with the gospel of Jesus Christ and began to do so via his Straight Way of Grace Ministry. For over 10 years he's been traveling across the nation with one burning passion and that's to reveal the truth about Islam. Usama opened by noting how jihadi Muslims in America are trying to do everything they can to force the barbaric laws of Sharia on Americans. At the same time these are the same people who the media often describes as moderate Muslims. Usama noted the inconsistency here by reminding listeners that there is no such thing as moderate Muslims. Instead, those among us that are speaking out just happen to wear suits and ties. Vic followed up by describing how Islam has its mosques that Muslims claim are just houses of prayer. The problem is, under Islam, every one of those mosques is literally an embassy and now we're hearing the cry for Sharia.

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