Crosstalk: January 5, 2018

William F. Jasper is the senior editor of the New American. They focus on limited government, constitutional guarantees of freedom and personal responsibility. William has researched and written extensively on foreign and domestic politics, terrorism, national security, education, immigration, constitutional issues, the culture war and the United Nations. He's the author of 'The United Nations Exposed' and 'Global Tyranny-Step by Step: The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order'.

Just before Christmas, C-SPAN aired an alarming interview that included Roger Stone, former advisor to President Trump, who indicated that members of his own cabinet are plotting to remove him.

William admitted that Stone was very vague in the C-SPAN interview. On the other hand, William's colleague at The New American, Alex Newman, did a sit-down interview with Stone in Stone's studio in Florida. That interview (available at The New American website) is very alarming and confirms what some have seen develop over the past year.

At this point, William defined the 'deep state'. This refers to individuals within the intelligence agencies and other various complexes within the U.S. government. He believes they've been moving behind the scenes to undermine the legitimate federal government. In fact, he sees the political operatives in control of much of the military, our intelligence, the bureaucracy, as well as within the media and political parties.

Roger Stone admitted that there are those at high levels within the Trump administration, including his cabinet, his national security council, and his advisors in the White House, who've discussed how they plan to oust the president. They have a Plan-A, a Plan-B and a Plan-C.

Plan-A involves using the 25th Amendment. In other words, it would be argued that President Trump is unfit to continue carrying out the functions of president. Normally this would include situations such as heart attack or stroke whereby the 25th Amendment would allow for continuity. However, advocates for this solution are claiming they don't have to prove that he's physically unfit, all they have to do is show that he's mentally and morally unfit, therefore he can be removed. That would require the vice president and a majority of the cabinet be in favor of removing him along with approval from Congress. If challenged by the president, the House and Senate would have to obtain a super-majority (two-thirds vote) in both houses to uphold the decision to remove him.

Plan-B is being touted mainly by far-left individuals such as Maxine Waters. They've been calling for the impeachment of President Trump. William noted that top minds recognize that this is a long process. This is part of a 'death by a thousand cuts' scenario where Trump's opponents would continue attacking him with sex charges, Russia collusion charges, and anything else, hoping that this will cripple him.

Plan-C is the extreme measure. That would be to assassinate the president. According to William, Stone actually said this.

All of this appears to point to 'deep state' sabotage, not only from without, but from within as well. Find out more, including some interesting information concerning Vice President Mike Pence, when you review this vital edition of Crosstalk.

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