Crosstalk: January 9, 2017

Jim was back at the helm to bring listeners the first news round-up program for 2017. Stories presented included:

--Five people are dead and a shooting suspect is in custody after a lone gunman opened fire at the Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport in Florida.

--A joint session of Congress formally certifies Donald Trump's electoral college victory.

--4 young adults are facing a wide array of criminal charges after they live- streamed their torturing of a mentally disabled man. This event is now causing a backlash against the media for allegedly treating this case differently because the perpetrators are Black and the victim is White.

--On Wednesday evening, ABC and NBC news failed to inform their viewers of the kidnapping/torture situation in Chicago.

--Fox News reports that the gruesome video that shows the beating is the latest sign that criminals have been emboldened to lawless acts across the nation.

--Data released by the Chicago police department reveals that 2016 was the city's deadliest year in 20 years.

--Vice-President elect Mike Pence reportedly told Republicans he wants Obamacare repealed and sent to President Trump's desk by February 20th.

--Twila Brase from the Citizens' Council on Health Freedom is urging Americans to call Congress to push for the full repeal of Obamacare.

--House Speaker Paul Ryan says that the bill to repeal Obamacare will include legislation to defund Planned Parenthood.

--NARAL Pro-Choice America is calling upon supporters to say 'no' to Jeff Sessions.

--According to information from a federal audit, Planned Parenthood has wasted at least 12.8 million in taxpayer funds.

--An 81 year old Canadian grandmother and confessing Christian entered a tattoo parlor and obtained a 'Don't euthanize me' tattoo.

--Overall in 2016, manufacturing jobs declined by 45,000. At the same time jobs in federal, state and local government increased by 183,000.

--Key U.S. diplomat warns that North Korea's weapons capabilities have shown a qualitative improvement in the past year.

--A new report from a government watchdog agency says that jihadists are partnering with Mexican drug cartels along the U.S./Mexico border preparing for precision attacks on U.S. cities.

--Recent ads from major American brands have prominently featured everyday Muslim men, women and children, as marketeers seek to portray their companies as all-consumer inclusive.

--The House of Representatives adopted changes to the chamber's standing rules. The changes enhance the ability of the House to exercise its 'power of the purse'.

--After consolidating power in Washington, D.C., and state capitals under President-elect Donald Trump, Republicans are moving to prevent large cities dominated by Democrats from enacting sweeping liberal agendas.

--A Republican congressman took matters into his own hands today and personally removed a painting depicting police officers as pigs that a colleague had allowed to be displayed at the U.S. Capitol complex.

--President Obama adds distinguished public service medal to his medal collection.

--President Obama plans to transfer out at least 22 of the 59 detainees who are at Guantanamo Bay by the time he leaves office.

--The House passed legislation that would enable Congress to overturn, with a single vote, executive branch regulations finalized in the last 60 legislative days of an outgoing presidential administration.

--A moving van has been spotted outside the White House as President Obama's tenure comes to a close.

--Vice President Joe Biden performs last constitutional act as he heads up the joint session of Congress.

--Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admitted to Congress yesterday that the Russians did not alter the actual ballot counts or election results through a cyber attack or intrusion.

--The Clinton's will attend the inauguration later this month.

--President-elect Donald Trump naming former Indiana Senator Dan Coats to direct the nation's intelligence community.

--U.S. officials and lawmakers look to the hastily built fence Israel built in just two years.

--Donald Trump lashes out at the media for reports suggesting that he was going back on a campaign vow to make Mexico pay for the border fence.

--President Obama is now in favor of a fence...around the rental home where he plans to live after leaving the White House.

--Secretary of State John Kerry outlines plan regarding two-state solution in Israel.

--3 Republican senators introduced legislation that would order the White House to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's official capital.

--Jordan's government spokesman warned of catastrophic repercussions if Donald Trump makes good on his campaign promise to move the embassy.

--Students attending the U.N.-run schools in the West Bank and Gaza use textbooks that ignore the existence of Israel.

--A new batch of Clinton messages released by the State Department show the former Secretary of State and her team routinely shared her upcoming schedules, talking points and sensitive items like her iPad password via the home-brewed system.

--Alabama Supreme Court unanimously rules in the defense of unborn life in a wrongful death lawsuit.

--Fox comedy, 'The Mick' takes edgy, crude and inappropriate language and depictions to a new low by including young children in heavily sexualized plot


--LGBT activists are outraged at Christians for having the audacity to use the rainbow as part of an Ark Encounter Christmas celebration.

--Kentucky puts forth its own bathroom bill.

--Texas introduces the Texas Women's Privacy Act that will protect women and children. The bill prevents public schools, state government agencies and political subdivisions from adopting policies that would open women's showers, bathrooms and changing facilities to men and vice-versa.

--A new report indicates that Arctic ice is about the same thickness as it was 75 years ago.

--The Wisconsin DNR says global warming is debatable and scrubs climate information from its site.

--The Bureau of Land Management to restrict more federal land from future mining operations by putting 10 million acres in six states off limits.

--A marijuana advocacy group is pledging to lead a pro-pot march while handing out 4,200 joints to random people in the crowd attending the inauguration.

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