Crosstalk: July 11, 2016

It's an all too common scenario unfolding again...Islamic terrorism. This time the location was Nice, France, the 3rd major terrorist attack in their nation in 19 months. A 31 year old Tunisian French national with the first name of Mohamed, told police he was delivering ice cream then after witnesses reported him yelling Allahu Akbar, plowed his truck armed with explosives into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in France. The carnage left 84 dead including 10 children and at least 202 injured with 52 in critical care, among those include 25 in intensive care.

Joining Jim to discuss this tragedy was Usama Dakdok. Usama is the founder and director of the Straightway of Grace Ministry, equipping Christians to be effective witness of Jesus Christ to their Muslim neighbors, as well as ministering to Muslims directly. He is Egyptian born, studied Islam and Islamic law since a young age, speaks fluent Arabic and has translated the Quran into English. He is the speaker on the program, 'Revealing the Truth about Islam' which airs daily on VCY America.

During the attack in Nice, witnesses claim they heard 'Allahu Akbar' being yelled. What does this mean? According to Usama, this is the shout of victory. Muslims say this 5 times a day during their prayers. It's what Mohammed taught the Muslims to shout when they kill infidels. They even shout this when they kill each other because the group that says it believes they are the true Muslims and other Muslims are not. It means 'Allah is bigger' yet we know Allah is Satan who desires to kill, steal and destroy.

Is it possible this was a 'lone wolf' attack? Usama responded by noting that if Mohammed is that wolf, then it's true. So until the media starts reading the verses of the Quran that encourage Muslims to do what they're doing and until they begin quoting the teachings of Mohammed as is done on VCY, the problem of Islam will continue to grow.

Jim indicated that President Obama gave a statement that made no mention of the identity or ideology behind this attack while the French president had no difficulty describing the attack as Islamic terrorism. Why is that? Usama believes President Obama is a Muslim and he communicated years ago that having him in the White House would give Muslims the 'green light'

As this broadcast moved along, Jim had Usama comment on the following:

--While the carnage was taking place in France, a Luther College professor presented a seminar on Islamophobia at the Rochester, Minnesota, public library.

--The Obama administration is increasing the number of Syrian refugees being processed for entry into the U.S. He wants 10,000 refugees by the end of September.

--According to Pamela Geller, the Council on American/Islamic Relations (CAIR) has met with Congress a total of 325 times so far this year alone. Usama has said that the Justice Department has identified CAIR as a Muslim Brotherhood entity designated as terrorists by the United Arab Emirates. Why are our officials having so many meetings with them?

--It was reported through this week that the FBI and the CIA are looking to increase the so-called diversity of their agencies and that includes hiring more Arab Americans. They hope to achieve this goal by holding a career fair in Dearborn, Michigan.

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