Crosstalk: July 13, 2015

News Round-Up edition of Crosstalk featured the following items from the news desk: --The first openly lesbian voted to the U.S. Senate, Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, communicated on national television that the freedom of religion guaranteed by the First Amendment only applies to churches and not to individuals. --Oregon is ramping up its persecution campaign against Christian bakers who declined to bake a cake for a same-sex couple. --The clerk of Casey County, Kentucky, is refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses. --Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has issued an order designed to protect religious groups opposed to homosexual marriage. --A homosexual couple marries at an Episcopal Church in Manhattan, however, one member of the couple is the chairman of the theology department at Fordham University, a Catholic University run by the Jesuits. --Hope College and Belmont University extending benefits to same-sex spouses. --Same-sex married couples can begin to apply for Social Security and Veterans benefits in all 50 states. --A Canadian court rules that an Evangelical Christian law school must change its code of conduct to accommodate the LGBT lifestyle choices of applicants if it wants to receive accreditation. --Pastors and church members are experiencing a wave of anxiety over lawsuits or government action designed to force them to perform or recognize same-sex marriages. --Democrats considering the effect same-sex marriage will have on religious schools. --Former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay claims the Justice Department has drafted a memo that lays out 12 new perversions including bestiality and pedophilia that it wants legalized. --Kenyan leaders warning President Obama not to bring his gay agenda when the president comes to visit that nation. --Governor Chris Christie signs legislation into law that bans licensed therapists from helping children overcome unwanted same-sex attractions. --New Jersey Assemblyman Tim Eustace compares change therapy to beating a child and believes that children who get such counseling should be removed from the parents. --Jimmy Carter claims to be 'born again' yet believes that Jesus would approve of same-sex marriage. --Vladimir Putin hits back against America's same-sex Supreme Court decision. --Oregon allowing 15 year olds to get state-subsidized sex-change operations. --Norway bill tabled in June would have allowed children as young as 7 to have their sex changed on legal documents. --Wal-Mart Corporation at the platinum level for gay pride celebration in New York City. --Pope Francis asks people to pray for God to make miracles out of ideas that some believers might consider impure or even threatening. --A reestablished and self-declared Israeli Sanhedrin is putting Pope Francis on trial on September 20th unless he retracts his statement that the Jews have no right to the land of Israel or Jerusalem. --The Wisconsin state legislature passes a bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks. --3 legislators have introduced a bill to allow Medicaid to cover abortions. --The White House announces the revival of a proposal that almost put an end to the passage of Obamacare. --The Obama administration makes funding Planned Parenthood abortion business a priority. --A Christian flag is removed from an Alabama police department due to demands of an atheist organization. --The Ten Commandments monument will stay in Oklahoma. --Documents from the Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service confirm a strategy to prosecute conservatives who publicly oppose President Obama's policies. --Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin says data breaches were farther along than the Obama administration admits. --Nobel Prize winner now stands against President Obama regarding global warning. --The military exercises known as Jade Helm 15 has raised some suspicions over its secrecy. --Larry Flint, founder of Hustler Magazine, throws his support behind Hillary Clinton. --As of day 22 of Ramadan, Islam, (the religion of peace) has been responsible for 221 terror attacks, 45 suicide bombings, 2,177 dead bodies and 2,655 wounded. --A tribal leader whose group has been fighting ISIS in central Iraq described how the terrorist group burned five women along with their sons because they refused to hand their children over to the Caliphate. --At least 45 ISIS fighters died after eating a fast-breaking Ramadan meal in the Iraqi city of Mosul. --National Council of Resistance of Iran reported that the regime arrested or flogged at least 900 people for not fasting during Ramadan. --ISIS crucified dozens of Syrian civilians for breaking Ramadan fast. --ISIS is using encrypted programs to prevent law enforcement from accessing their communications with recruits. --Italian police arrest 25 year old Moroccan man on charges of instigating Islamic terrorism and jihad. --Hundreds of ISIS members could infiltrate Europe together with masses of refugees to Libya, Syria and Iraq. --Some believe Syrian Muslim refugee resettlement in Idaho is a 'back door' for jihadists. --A Saudi Prince is pledging his 32 billion dollar fortune to charity to help foster cultural understanding of Islam in America and the West. --A Source at the nuclear talks in Vienna indicates that a deal with Iran could take place today. --Tens of thousand of Iranians yell 'Down with America' and 'Death to Israel' during pro-Palestinian rallies. --President Obama faces bipartisan criticism for hosting Vietnam's communist party boss at the White House this week. --The George Washington Carrier Strike Group joined a bilateral Australia/U.S. exercise as part of a week-long combined arms drill. --U.S Army introduces controversial plan to reduce troop levels by 40,000. --2 pair of Russian strategic bombers intercepted off the West Coast and Alaska while we celebrated our nation's birthday. --Al Qaeda calls for immediate attacks on the United States. --D.C. Council members want permanent residents who are not U.S. citizens to be able to have certain voting rights. --A leading family values organization in California says vulnerable people will not die before their time. --Ray Comfort's 'Audacity' video reinstated on YouTube. --The Bureau of Reclamation requests rounds of ammunition for use at Hoover Dam and Lake Mead. --Leading Israeli rabbi claims that the coming of the Messiah is imminent.

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