Crosstalk: July 15, 2016

Jim began this edition of Crosstalk with an update regarding the Conscience Protection Act that was discussed on July 12th. The House voted 245 to 182 to pass the measure. It still has to make its way through the Senate and then on to the president. This keeps the government from discriminating against health care providers who do not want to perform or cooperate with abortions. It also gives health care providers the power to bring civil action if they're targeted by such discrimination.

Jim also noted that news sources are indicating that Indiana Governor Mike Pence may be the man Donald Trump has slated to be his vice presidential running mate. Trump plans to make a formal announcement regarding his pick tomorrow morning.

In II Timothy chapter 3, the apostle Paul says, 'This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come.' We're seeing this today in America as rage is booming across the land. The rage is being fueled by problems between races and as the police have become involved in order to protect the masses, people have been questioning even the motives of law enforcement.

One group is responding by asking for participation in a national day of rage scheduled for tomorrow, July 15th. Some believe that this is just a rumor while others, like the Department of Defense, is taking this very seriously.

The 'hacktivist' group known as 'Anonymous' is claiming that this day will be totally non-violent. According to a You-Tube clip that has come forth, this group is calling upon U.S. citizens, in conjunction with the Black Lives Matter movement as well as other civil rights activists, to take part in a day of action against what they see as the injustices of corrupt police officers. The plan is to flood the streets in certain cities around the nation.

The idea of a non-violent day of rage is a contradiction. The use of the term 'rage' in this case would actually seem to promote the possibility of unrest. What does the Bible say about the use of rage? To help answer this question, Jim had listeners consider Ephesians 4:31, Psalm 2:1-5, Psalm 37:8, Proverbs 14:16-17, 15:1, 15:18, 16:32, 22:24, 29:22 and Daniel 3:13.

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