Crosstalk: July 19, 2016

Jim Schneider brought listeners this Monday edition of the Crosstalk news round-up live from Trail Ridge Camp. Stories included:

--3 law enforcement officers killed and 3 others are injured in a Baton Rouge, Louisiana shooting.

--A Taco Bell employee in Eastern Alabama has been fired after she refused to serve two uniformed deputies of the sheriffs department and then told them to leave the restaurant.

--At a White House reception speech, President Obama spoke of the terrorist attack in France and said that the U.S. and its partners are going to destroy ISIL. He also said that we're going to win this fight by not giving up on diplomacy to end the Syrian civil war, by working with partners around the world including Muslim communities.

--Trump names Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his VP running mate.

--Hillary Clinton launches her first set of attacks against Mike Pence.

--The Republican Convention began today in Cleveland.

--Ruth Bader Ginsberg is drawing criticism for harsh words concerning Donald Trump.

--Attempted coup in Turkey on Friday evening but by Saturday, it appears the coup had failed. Turkey's President Erdogan is blaming Fethullah Gulen.

--U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch dodges questions concerning lack of charges against Hillary Clinton.

--The Washington Blade is applauding the Democratic platform language on international LGBT rights.

--Target is in the news again. A Target store in Idaho is in the spotlight because a man, who identifies as a woman, was arrested after allegedly taking pictures of a woman in the stall next to him at the store fitting room.

--Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette joined nine other states in filing a federal complaint seeking to block the Obama administration's new school directive for transgender students.

--Virginia school board is taking their transgender bathroom case to the Supreme Court asking the court to review the matter of someone who's claiming an identity than their biological makeup as they approach the new school year.

--On July 14th, the Democrat controlled state board of education in California approved pro-homosexuality, bisexuality and trans-sexuality curriculum to go into new textbooks teaching children that LGBT is good, natural and maybe even for them.

--Ontario, Canada, drivers will be given an 'X' option in 2017 for those who don't exclusively identify as either male or female when applying for a driver's license.

--U.S. taxpayers provide nearly 400 million dollars a year to a U.N. program that critics say sends anti-Semitic, anti-Israel textbooks to schools for Palestinian refugees.

--Russia's Putin signs a measure punishing any kind of religious evangelism outside of churches.

--Venezuela has a new military dictatorship.

--Pensacola, Florida, city council allows a local religious freedom activist to begin event with a satanic prayer.

--The Federal Refugee Resettlement Program continues to cause problems as a 13 year old Massachusetts girl was assaulted at a public pool by a 22 year old man who was recently imported into the community from Syria as a refugee.

--In a vote of 74-18, Carla Hadan, who leads Baltimore's public library system, was nominated to be the 14th librarian of Congress.

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