Crosstalk: July 2, 2019

Ephesians 6:4 instructs fathers to bring up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  

The term ‘nurture’ involves both the instruction/training of children along with discipline in the sense of making certain that the instruction that’s been given is carried out.

The term ‘admonition’ refers to putting biblical truth before our children so that they follow the correct path.

This is important to remember as a new school year is just 8 weeks away.  With that comes educational choices that will impact your children for their entire lives.

Education choices have expanded over the years.  There’s the government public education system which can include charter schools, private/Christian schools, home schooling, as well as virtual schooling where education is computer-based and tied to the public system or a private/Christian school.

This Crosstalk featured input from listeners who’ve had to make such choices.  Their comments were based upon the following questions: Why did you make the decision to educate your children the way you did?  What factors determined your decision?  


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