Crosstalk: July 28, 2016

Jim began this edition of Crosstalk by reviewing the circumstances Nehemiah was faced with as he sought to rebuild the broken down walls of Jerusalem and the gates that had been destroyed by fire.

Even with permission from the king, permission that was confirmed via letters to the governors of Trans-Euphrates, there was opposition from Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Amonite, Geshem the Arab and the men of Ashdod.

Nehemiah's enemies communicated insults, threats of violence and even attempted a meeting with him to discuss the situation because of the false idea that the Jews were plotting to revolt.

As we attempt to 'rebuild the walls' of righteousness in our nation by living godly lives, we can also be met with opposition. In spite of such opposition, do you continue to praise the Lord? After all, the Bible teaches that the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

As Jim continued, his goal was to fill this program with praise to our God as he had listeners call in with an answer to the question, 'I'm praising the Lord because...'

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