Crosstalk: July 29, 2016

Broadcasting live from Trail Ridge Camp, Jim presented another news round-up program. Stories brought to listener attention included:

--Addressing diplomats at a reception last Friday, President Obama said that the U.N.'s plan for sustainable development and global unity is all that's needed to defeat the terrorists.

--FBI chief warns that terrorist dispersion will come to the West to carry out attacks as the Islamic State is defeated in Syria.

--A radical mosque known for breeding terrorists has been granted special privileges by Bloomington, Minnesota, which allows its members to take over a public park and treat it as their own to the exclusion of other residents

according to complaints filed by a citizens group.

--An Al-Qaida chief is urging kidnapping of westerners for prisoner swaps.

--A Syrian refugee used a machete to hack to death a pregnant woman in Germany.

--With ten weeks to go until the end of the fiscal year, the Obama administration continues to admit Syrian refugees at an accelerated pace. The amount has now exceeded two-thirds of his target of 10,000 by September 30th. The proportion of Christians among those refugees continues to languish below half of one percent.

--South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham blasted President Obama condemning the refusal to increase American aid to Israel as well as his efforts to bar Israel from spending the aid money within the Jewish state.

--The Russians could invade Poland overnight.

--China and Russia announce the possibility of holding joint naval exercises in the South China Sea.

--China's top Internet regulator ordered major online companies to stop original news reporting, the latest efforts by the government to tighten its grip over the nation's web and information industries.

--The U.S. hopes to announce in early August details of planned military cooperation and intelligence sharing with Russia on Syria.

--Turkish President Erdogan is alleged to be using the latest coup attempt to initiate sweeping new powers for himself.

--North Korea's top diplomat told the Associated Press that Washington has crossed the 'red line' and effectively declared war by putting leader Kim Jong Un on its list of sanctioned individuals and said a vicious showdown could erupt if the U.S. and South Korea hold annual war games set for next month.

--University of Iowa to use preferred pronouns when addressing students.

--Nickelodeon introduces its first animated gay, married couple.

--Macy's fires senior store detective allegedly because of his religious beliefs.

--Chief Justice Roy Moore to have hearing August 8th about charges brought against him by the Judicial Inquiry Commission.

--The California Board of Education has voted unanimously to comply with a state law requiring homosexuality to be incorporated into history and social studies lessons from the second grade on up.

--Administrators of a Texas school district changed their guidelines for transgender students to involve parents and work with families on a case-by-case basis after an uproar among parents.

--A British police force unveils a new rainbow flag decorated patrol car as a sign of solidarity with the LGBT+ community.

--Jerusalem's gay pride parade took place last Thursday evening. Over 25,000 people are said to have attended the march. This attendance was five times greater than last year's event. This was still far fewer than the pride parade in Tel-Aviv.

--All charges have been dismissed against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress.

--Over the past 5 years, state lawmakers have passed a large number of pro-life laws to protect unborn babies and their mothers from abortion.

--One of the ways that pro-life lawmakers have been working to end the trafficking of baby body parts is through laws that require that the remains of babies be buried or cremated.

--Israel Stinson, who was alleged to be brain-dead, continues to thrive at his new care facility.

--President Obama spent over 4 million dollars and burned 300,000 tons of carbon dioxide in order to give a global warming message at a climate change event in Paris.

--New global warming regulations are being proposed for airliners.

--In a move to force transgenderism on our schools, 12 states support the Obama administration in a crucial federal lawsuit.

--Humana and United Healthcare to pull out of Obamacare plans after suffering financial losses.

--A privacy organization is asking the federal government to investigate spying on consumers allegedly taking place when people use the Pokemon Go 'app' on their cellphones.

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