Crosstalk: July 6, 2015

Jim Schneider manned the control room to bring Crosstalk listeners up to date on many news items. They included: --A polygamous trio has applied for a marriage license in Montana based upon the recent homosexual marriage decision by the Supreme Court. --Homosexual activists show Marines on Iwo Jima raising the gay pride flag. --Citing religious and moral objections, a county clerk in Arkansas announces that she is resigning from her office. --Several county clerks in Kentucky announced that they would not issue marriage licenses to gay couples. --Girl Scouts of Western Washington said it refunded a $100,000 donation because it came with the provision that the funds could not be used to support transgender girls. --After 6 months of study the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) have issued new guidelines regarding how to care for transgender illegal aliens who end up in detention facilities awaiting possible deportation. --A star recruit for Harvard University's women's swimming team is joining the men's team competing as one of the first openly transgender swimmers in the NCAA. --2 street preachers beaten at a gay pride festival in Seattle. --The Defense Department is warning Americans to be on high alert during this 4th of July holiday.

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