Crosstalk: June 16, 2016
Ron Rhodes is the president of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries, a teaching and resource ministry that specializes in defending Christianity against atheists, agnostics, skeptics, the cults, world religions and any group teaching false doctrine. Ron is the author of over 70 books most of which deal in the area of apologetics. He has also authored some Bible study books. This program discussed his book, '90 Days Through the New Testament in Chronological Order'.
Ron feels there's a great need for people to get back to the Bible. He noted that the reason why so many people don't feel close to the Lord is because they really aren't into God's Word. In response he's been writing books on Bible study to draw people back into Scripture and help them to understand how exciting it can be.
Why a book dealing with the N.T. in chronological fashion? Ron told listeners that the N.T. deals with real people and real events that happened in history. It's not just a book of theology or doctrine so he felt that people might like to cover it in the same order as events actually occurred.
Ron admitted that there is some debate regarding the chronological order of events. The chronology that he presents is mainstream among the very best conservative scholars, namely those who believe the Bible is the Word of God. In other words, the scholarship he used doesn't come from liberal voices that question whether the N.T. was actually written by Matthew, Mark, Luke & John or don't believe in miracles, etc.
This program is jam-packed with interesting facts as Ron covers numerous N.T. related topics and answers some questions as well. For example:
--Over what period of time was the N.T. written?
--A New Testament overview: What is its place in the entirety of Scripture and
how is it broken down?
--What about the differences in the New Testament accounts? Should any of them
be viewed as contradictions?
--Why we can understand the book of Acts as the Acts of the Holy Spirit and not
just the Acts of the Apostles.
--The implications and applications of the Epistles as they pertain to what the
reader will have already learned in both the gospels and the book of Acts.
--How does Ron deal with problem passages in this book?
This Crosstalk covers so much more so if you've been considering reading through the New Testament and have been looking for a 'tour guide', find out if this book is for you when you review this broadcast.
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