Crosstalk: June 22, 2017

​June is recognized by some as LGBT pride month to mark the anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Riots. This was actually a rebellion in Manhattan because it was a rebellion against God.

In light of this, Jim highlighted numerous stories that provide a glimpse of how the LGBT agenda is now being protected, promoted and celebrated around the U.S. Stories included:

--A Massachusetts principal recently sent an e-mail to parents to announce that
she's in the process of transitioning into a man.
--A California teacher resigned after a letter he wrote for the school newspaper
condemning homosexuality caused a backlash.
--The U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights has issued a memo to
public schools and teachers explaining that refusal to refer to so-called
transgender students by their preferred pronoun or name could be grounds for
--Freshman football players changing in their school locker room at the beginning
of the school year were startled to encounter a girl who said she identifies as a boy.
--The Defense Department recently held an LGBT pride event while the Army
conducted transgender sensitivity training.

Joining Jim later in the broadcast was Rob Pue, the editor and publisher of Wisconsin Christian News.

Rob recalled how he connected with former high school football coach Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries, joining him to minister on the streets of Columbus, Ohio, for the Columbus pride parade.

Rob noted that the population of Columbus is 800,000 people and it was estimated that 500,000 people showed up for the parade. Out of that number, there were 22 who were willing to stand up for Christ and say 'no' to what was taking place.

The group set up on the front steps of city hall and from there Rob respectfully described the experience that you can hear when you review this vital Crosstalk program.

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