Crosstalk: June 25, 2015

Jim opened this edition of Crosstalk with news that yesterday, in a 60-37 vote, the Senate advanced Fast Track and Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) legislation. This legislation would give President Obama enhanced authority to complete free trade deals. It will have its final vote this week. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been pushing for this legislation and hopes to have several trade bills on the President's desk by the 4th of July. Some say this legislation guts the sovereignty of America and allows many policy related issues that have nothing to do with trade to be part of the trade deal. Contact you senators at the number listed below to express your feelings on this landmark legislation. Less than 48 hours before broadcast time, President Obama once again (like his predecessor George W. Bush) celebrated Ramadan with an Iftar dinner at the White House. The White House Press Pool reported that there were approximately 150 invited guests.

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