Crosstalk: June 7, 2016

72 years ago, the largest amphibious invasion took place on what became known as D-Day. What were the events that led up to that point?

Joining Jim to present listeners with the history behind this key event was William Federer. William is a nationally known speaker, author and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage. He has authored numerous books including, 'America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations', 'BackFired: A Nation Born for Religious Tolerance No Longer Tolerates Religion', 'Prayers & Presidents', 'The Original 13: History of Religion in America's First Thirteen States', and over a dozen others.

After World War I, Germany had to pay reparations to England and France. Germany decided to inflate their currency which meant they were paying back the reparations with worthless Marks. This meant that savings were suddenly gone leaving Germans bankrupt.

Out of the ashes, and promising hope and change, came a man named Adolph Hitler. Hitler was the head of the German socialist workers party. On January 30th of 1933, he was elected chancellor of Germany and promised citizens free health care.

A month later, the German Reichstag (parliament building) was set on fire under suspicious circumstances. In the midst of the confusion, Hitler seized complete control of the government with emergency powers, suspended basic rights and accused his political opponents of conspiracy. He conducted mass arrests and ordered that those arrested be killed. In the end, all of Hitler's political opponents were dead and he became the undisputed dictator of Germany.

General Eisenhower spoke of beseeching the blessing of almighty God for '...a great and noble undertaking.' What was that? Germany had taken over Austria and was moving through Europe and allied forces were poised to respond.

When D-Day arrived, the allied forces were comprised of 5,000 ships, 195,700 Navy personnel and 13,000 aircraft. The sea was heavily fortified along the beaches of Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juneau, Sword and Pointe du Hoc. 9,000 were either killed or wounded.

In the 6 months from June to December of 1944, the Nazi's were pushed back enough that half of Europe was free. In December, the Nazi's made a last ditch effort to push back toward the sea. That effort caused the line of Nazi resistance to 'bulge' hence the name, 'Battle of the Bulge'.

Eventually the Nazi's literally ran out of fuel and became stuck at a small Belgian city where 8 roads came together. Allied forces continued to push the Nazi's back until April of 1945 at which time Hitler killed himself.

This Crosstalk is peppered with descriptions of biblical remarks and actions by various American leaders along with facts that show the parallel between what happened in Germany and the similar trends that have been and continue to take place in America as well.



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