Crosstalk: March 1, 2018

​Today's Crosstalk is a special broadcast of the September 2017 VCY Rally held in southeast Wisconsin. The featured speaker was Shahram Hadian. His presentation: The Trojan Horse of Interfaith Dialogue.

Shahram was born in Iran and raised Muslim. More importantly, Shahram was born again after hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ and receiving Jesus as His Savior and Lord. Shahram is a pastor, a former police officer, a teacher, coach, and now as the founder of the Truth in Love (TIL) Project he travels extensively contending for the faith that saves, and exposes the dangers of blending Christianity with Islam. While time didn't allow Crosstalk to air the entire presentation, we encourage everyone to obtain the DVD which covers the entire evening and features all of the PowerPoint teachings.

Shahram began by detailing his list of resources for the presentation, beginning with the holy Bible (also listing the Koran, and other named works). Shahram contends that the idea of 'Chrislam' (blending of Christianity and Islam) is sneaking into America's churches and many are not even batting an eye, regardless of what Scripture warns. He says that Muslims are attempting to 'convert us' (Christians). Shahram explained what he sees as the 'three false claims of the interfaith ecumenical movement'. Of these, he explained how Christians are being told there is a,...'common word between the Bible and the Koran.' He also says more and more churches in America are being deceived by evangelical leaders who have actually signed onto a so-called 'Common Word' document.

Over the course of the evening, Shahram refuted those who refute him for taking things (in their view) too far, and shares video which backs up his claims that even elders in churches are sitting down with Muslim Imams to find common ground. Shahram shared several more verses from the Bible and how implementing them will bring change. He also made a strong point that because Christians are so far away from the Scriptures today, if we will go back to teaching about our Creator God, the next generation would no longer have to be confused about their 'sexuality or orientation' saying it, '...would go away because we would understand who God is and how He created us.' He ends with testimony and proper ways to reach Muslims with the Gospel that saves, as well as an exhortation to pray for Israel and the Church; the Church that is determined to fulfill Jesus' great commission.

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