Crosstalk: March 20, 2018

​Here's a selection of stories featured on this Monday news 'Round-Up':

--An explosion took place in a suburban Austin, Texas, neighborhood Sunday evening. Some are pointing to a serial bomber as being responsible for 4 explosions in the Austin area.
--President Trump calls fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe a 'choir boy'.
--McCabe kept personal memos, similar to those compiled by James Comey on interactions with President Trump.
--McCabe's firing was recommended by the FBI's internal career civil service Office of Professional Responsibility.
--Former CIA Director John Brennan reacted to McCabe's firing by 'tweeting' a strident attack against President Trump.
--Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch believes Attorney General Sessions did the right thing in firing McCabe.
--The White House announced that it will seek the death penalty for certain drug traffickers where appropriate under the law.
--The Trump administration is putting pressure on Senate Republicans to crack down on Democratic efforts to delay its agenda.
--The federal government may soon obtain an ally in its battle with California over its sanctuary laws.
--Baltimore (a city with the nations highest per-capita murder rate) to hire lawyers to represent illegal aliens with deportation orders.
--President Trump stood alongside prototypes of the border wall.
--The Trump administration made a voluntary payment of $151,470 to the Department of the Treasury to keep a promise that the company would not benefit from foreign government payments while Trump is president.
--President Trump's coming tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum imports are the first step in targeting China's unfair trade practices.
--A Democratic congressman from Long Island implied that Americans should grab weapons and oppose President Trump by force if he doesn't abide by the Constitution.
--The acting FBI deputy director testified during a Senate judiciary committee hearing that former President Barack Obama's justice department forced the FBI to delete over 500,000 fugitives that had outstanding arrest warrants from the national instant criminal background check system.
--A California high school teacher was aghast to find out that she was placed on leave over comments she made about the national school walkout day.
--Some school counselors and officials were so concerned about the mental stability of Nicholas Cruze (accused of committing last month's Florida school massacre) that they decided to have him forcibly committed more than a year before the shooting. However, the recommendation was never acted upon.
--Turkey's semi-official newspaper called for an urgent action to form a 57 nation army of Islam to besiege and attack Israel.
--A Hamas lawmaker calls for the massacre of Jews.
--Israeli Defense Forces destroyed 2 underground terrorist structures in the Gaza Strip. One was an old terror tunnel that was being reconstructed by Hamas.
--Nuclear non-proliferation advocates are sounding the alarm about a potential nuclear energy deal between Saudi Arabia and the U.S.

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