Crosstalk: March 25, 2019

Below is a sample of what Jim had to offer on this week’s edition of the ‘Round-Up’:

–New Zealanders marked the one-week anniversary of the worst mass shooting in the nation’s history with the state owned radio and television network broadcasting the Islamic call to prayer.

–According to the leader of one of the New Zealand mosques, the 50 worshipers who were gunned down last Friday did not die in vain and their blood has watered the seeds of hope.

–April 1 and 2, the Council on American/Islamic relations (CAIR) announced that Muslims from across the U.S. will be attending the fifth annual National Muslim Advocacy Days in Washington, D.C.

–Leading Democrats in the U.S. have heaped praise on New Zealand’s prime minister after she announced her nation was immediately banning military-style, semi-automatic weapons after the attack of last week.

–A federal grand jury in New Mexico has indicted 5 Muslims, who allegedly trained children to carry out school massacres, on terrorism related offenses, conspiracy to commit murder, and kidnapping.

–President Trump announced yesterday that the U.S. officially recognizes Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

–Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrapped up his two day trip to Israel on Thursday with with a historic visit to the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

–Hungary’s foreign minister opened a trade office in Jerusalem that will have official diplomatic status.

–President Trump signed an executive order tying federal research funding for colleges and universities to their policies governing free speech.

–Students for Life at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor set up a cemetery of the innocents display on campus to commemorate lives lost to abortion. With permission from the school they set up 1,000 crosses. Throughout the day pro-abortion activists, presumably students, kept pulling the crosses out of the ground, placing them in trash bags or putting them on top of trash cans.

–The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that pursuant to federal law, immigration authorities must detain, without the possibility of release on bond, a deportable, criminal immigrant until his immigration status is settled.

–The federal government says that a man who killed a sheriff’s deputy and wounded a police officer in a central Washington state shootout was in the U.S. illegally.

–The Michigan Department of Civil Rights director announced the department is creating a process to document hate and bias incidents that don’t rise to the level of a crime or civil infraction.

–The U.S. imposed sanctions on two Chinese shipping companies that it says helped North Korea evade sanctions over its nuclear weapons program.

–President Trump donated a quarter of his salary to the Department of Homeland Security.

–President Trump started his re-election bid on day one of his presidency.

–Freshman Democrats in the lower chamber are expected to meet with former President Barack Obama next week, a reception organized by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

–The Bernie Sanders presidential campaign in said to be violating federal election law by employing foreign nationals in advisory campaign positions.

–Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke is apologizing for writings he made as a teenager as he described fantasies about running over children with a vehicle.

–Democrat presidential candidate Cory Booker hired a prominent abortion activist as a top staffer for his presidential campaign.

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