Crosstalk: March 4, 2016

There are American and European leaders telling us that Islam is a religion that teaches peace among all people. Officials will even go so far as to quote the Qur'an in order to defend that narrative. One question remains: Where do Muslims teach other Muslims that Islam requires them to love all others and to do unto others as they want to be treated. Joining Jim to respond to this issue was John Guandolo. John is the founder of, an organization dedicated to providing strategic and operational threat-focused consultation, education and training for federal, state and local leadership and agencies. John is a former officer in the U.S. Marine Corps, a former FBI agent and counter-terrorism expert. Shortly after 9-11, John developed an expertise in the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, the global Islamic Movement and a myriad of terrorist organizations. In 2006 he created and implemented the FBI's first counter-terrorism training/education program focusing on the Muslim Brotherhood and their subversive movement in the United States and the global Islamic movement. He also served in the Washington Field Office SWAT team for over 9 years and was a certified undercover agent. According to John, a Muslim is one who submits to Islam and Islam itself means submission to the will of Allah. So if you want to have a discussion with someone about what Islam is, rational people need to ask some simple questions. One is to ask what Muslims teach other Muslims when non-Muslims are not around? We shouldn't ask what Muslims teach non-Muslims because that has no bearing in a national security discussion. Critical to this broadcast is John's explanation of Islam's law of abrogation. This basically teaches that the verses of the Qur'an that come later annul or revoke previous verses. Since John noted that the information in the Qur'an is not written in chronological order, it's easy to become deceived when you hear someone quote a verse in an attempt to make Islam sound like a religion of peace when in fact, that verse may not even apply to Muslims today. So it's important to look at the timing and context of Mohammed's teachings, especially as they pertain to the obligation of jihad and the attitude Muslims are to have toward non-Muslims. While we certainly are to project the love of Christ to all people, at the same time we must be careful. For example, John described e-mail communication he had with a woman here in the U.S. who was critiquing him. She told John she has friends that are Muslim. She eats at their house and their children play together. He noted that this is great but that doesn't change what Islamic doctrine teaches and such friendship certainly isn't anything to base national security strategy on.

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