Crosstalk: March 7, 2016

Once again, Jim Schneider brought listeners up-to-date on the latest news items of interest to Christians. Stories included: --South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard caved-in and vetoed a transgender bathroom bill that would have placed restrictions on transgenders concerning which restrooms they could use. --New transgender rights going through Seattle to require culturally responsive training. --On March 18th and 19th, the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, Washington, will sponsor a summit entitled, 'With God's Help: Creating a Safe Space for Diverse Gender and Sexual Identities'. --The Human Rights Campaign reports that the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) is moving forward with a policy on full body scanners in airports with strong protections for transgender passengers. --The Washington Supreme Court will hear the case of the floral artist whom the State Attorney General and the ACLU sued for acting consistently with her faith. --On October 14th, the principal of a Minnesota charter school informed parents that the school should be taking steps to support a student who is gender non- conforming. --California said to be trying to bully 21 other states into accepting the LGBT agenda. --The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to take on a Liberty Counsel case lawsuit challenging the New Jersey law prohibiting counselors from providing minors from receiving counseling to reduce unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors or identity. --Oklahoma legislator wants Christian businesses to be forced to post a public notice that they will be discriminating against homosexuals if those businesses are to be allowed to claim their right to refuse service based upon religious beliefs. --The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) files the first two sex discrimination lawsuits based upon sexual orientation. --The Supreme Court held oral arguments in the potential landmark case of Whole Woman's Health vs. Hellerstedt that concerns a Texas pro-life law. --Representative Diane Black slams the sale of aborted baby parts. --Another Planned Parenthood clinic to close, this time in Florida. --At least two religious schools said they will stop buying uniforms from Lands End clothing company because they have honored abortion activist Gloria Steinem. --A Bible and Bible verse were removed from a POW/MIA display inside an Ohio Veterans Administration clinic after the Military Religious Freedom Foundation complained. --U.S. Air Force Academy's chapel using tithes and offerings to blatantly support witchcraft. --Majority Leader Mitch McConnell left the Senate to address House Republicans weekly conference meeting saying that Senate Republicans will hold fast to their promise not to advance a Supreme Court nominee. --North Korean leader orders his military on standby for nuclear strikes. --China's military buildup in the Pacific may require a U.S. response. --U.S. and India deepening their military ties. --Israel's Defense Ministry to gather with the U.S. Missile Defense Agency to begin handing over control of 'David's Sling' air defense system to the Israeli Air Force. --Top U.S. nuclear war fighting commander says time is running short to begin modernizing the decades old U.S. nuclear forces. --A historic building in South London that used to house members of the royal family now being governed by Shariah. --Spain seizes 20,000 ISIS military uniforms. --NATO commander says Russia and Syria are using migration as a tool of destabilization. --Congress puts forth The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2015 (HR3892). The bill has been sent to the House for consideration. --President Obama quietly pushing new plans to bring more Syrian refugees to America. --A House war veteran/lawmaker is introducing a bill that would make child rape illegal on a military base. --Wal-Mart selling Halal-Crescent foods. --Feds seek mental health testing of all children and adults.

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