Crosstalk: May 1, 2017

The following news stories were selected, some with additional commentary,
as Jim presented another edition of the News Round-Up:

--President Trump warned that a major conflict could result from the ongoing standoff over North Korea's nuclear missile programs.  He hopes diplomacy will prevail.
--China has threatened Pyongyang with sanctions if the rogue North Korean government continues to disregard calls to stop conducting nuclear tests.
--A North Korean website has published a propaganda video that shows an American aircraft carrier and Washington, D.C., targeted in crosshairs and then exploding in balls of fire.
--Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is preparing to chair a special U.N. Security Council Session today on the North Korean nuclear threat.
--53% of Americans polled approve of military action to stop North Korea from its nuclear weapons program.
--The U.S. test fired an ICBM that traveled over 4,000 miles before splashing down in the South Pacific after being launched Wednesday from a base in California.
--Michael Maloof, a former senior security policy analyst in the office of the secretary of defense warned that North Korea already has the capability to launch a nuclear attack on the U.S.
--It would take 10 minutes for a North Korean missile to hit Japan.
--President Trump directed Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to investigate the import of aluminum and its affect on national defense.
--Despite U.S. government conclusions to the contrary, Iran is cheating on the 2015 nuclear deal and is actively weaponizing nukes.
--The U.S.S. Mahan had a close encounter with an Iranian Revolutionary Guard fast-attack craft Monday in the Persian Gulf.
--President Trump has announced the Acting Deputy Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, Randolph Ailes, will be the new director of the U.S. Secret Service.
--The U.S. Senate confirms Alex Acosta as secretary of labor.  This was the last cabinet post for the president to fill.
--The Senate approved Sonny Perdue to lead the U.S. Agriculture Department.
--The U.S. Surgeon General was fired this week.
--Congress approves a one week stop-gap spending bill to avert a government shutdown this weekend.
--House Republican leaders are still scrounging for votes from their own rank and file.  Conservatives in the House Freedom Caucus announced their support for the revised health legislation.
--Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly announced the official launch of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office for victims of illegal Immigrant crime. This program will help track the custody status of violent, illegal perpetrators.
--President Trump's administration officials announced a sweeping tax reform plan.
--President Trump agrees to renegotiate NAFTA with Canada and Mexico.
--President Trump wants to order a review of the designations of national monuments.
--President Trump has been accusing his opponents of 'judge shopping'.
--President Trump signs executive order directing U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVoss to review federal regulations that infringe upon local and state governments and their ability to enact education policies at the closest level to the American people.
--President Trump puts forth the Buy American-Hire American policy.
--A Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that since President Trump took office in January, the number of people who believe the economy is improving is the highest level in 15 years.
--Since January, members of the Trump cabinet have been gathering for weekly prayer sessions.
--Judge Roy Moore resigning as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court to pursue a position in the U.S. Senate.
--Democrats craft a bill that takes guns away from people convicted of hate crimes.
--UNESCO to celebrate Israel's independence day next week by voting on anti-Israel resolutions.
--All 100 U.S. senators signed a letter to the U.N. secretary demanding an end to the unacceptable, anti-Israel bias in the international body.
--President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are reportedly to be in the advanced stages of confirming Trump's first state visit to Israel next
--Minnesota becomes the 19th state to ban dealings with BDS compliant businesses.
--The population in Israel reportedly at 8.68 million.
--Federal officials announce the indictment of 15 people for illegally trafficking body parts...of eagles.
--A new Center for Medical Progress video show a Planned Parenthood senior executive haggling over pricing for aborted baby body parts.
--On April 29th there will be a protest at the Planned Parenthood facility in Washington, D.C.  It's a nationwide day of prayer and protest against Planned Parenthood.
--Planned Parenthood of Southern New England has moved into a newly renovated health center with a direct-access parking lot that supporters hope will prevent confrontation with protestors.
--The Democratic party chairman makes it clear that pro-lifers aren't welcome in his party any more.
--A new website offers U.S. women help to perform their own abortions with abortion-inducing drugs.
--A Louisiana center that killed 7,482 babies is closing down for good.
--A breast cancer awareness organization that helps young women hired a former Planned Parenthood leader as its CEO this month.
--The Missouri House of Representatives has approved a measure that would expand the circumstances in which passive euthanasia can occur in the state.
--There have been more than 1,324 euthanasia deaths in Canada since it became legalized.
--One of the world's premier academic institutions has published a student guide that states that one's gender can change from day to day and to say otherwise is considered a form of violence.

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